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What makes a job great to you?  "A great job combines meaningful work, work/life balance, supportive environment, growth opportunities, fair compensation, job security, autonomy, recognition, a healthy work setting, and...


What makes a job great to you?  "A great working environment along with individuals who seek better." What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? "Open-minded,...


¿Qué hace que un trabajo sea genial para ti? "Un trabajo excelente para mi es trabajar juntos y en equipo." ¿Cuál considerarías tu mejor activo o habilidad que aportas a Awake? "Mis...


What makes a job great to you?  "The job really helps me focus on my goals in life it's just one step or one goal completed. It helps me...


What makes a job great to you?  "An employer that cares for you, co-workers that are there for you." What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring...


What makes a job great to you?  "A great job to me is doing something I enjoy everyday as well as having a great work environment." What would you consider your...