Create jobs.
Mass incarceration is devastating.
Mass incarceration is a major problem in the Unites States. Our country has 4% of the world’s population, but 25% of its prison population1. Sadly, 50% of those formerly incarcerated end up back in prison within 5 years of leaving2. The prison industry costs taxpayers $182 billion annually, and it helps create devastating cycles of poverty and imprisonment that devastate families3. We lock up too many people, for too long, and then make it incredibly difficult for them to re-enter society when they leave. The net result is a complex problem in need of an innovative solution.
Second Chance Employment is critical.
One of the biggest issues contributing to the high recidivism rate in the USA is that companies are unwilling to hire people with a criminal record4. This form of legal discrimination is considered best practice and a wise risk reduction in most of corporate America. At Awake, we want to show the market that this vulnerable people group is capable of building the best window and door products in the market. Learn more on our “Careers” page how we focus on employee development and offer extensive services to ensure our second chance employment is meaningful and breaks the prison cycle.
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