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What makes a job great to you?  "." What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? "." What is your favorite way to spend free time? "."


What makes a job great to you?  "The environment. Great management and co-workers where there's mutual respect and good attitudes. Nothin' but love." What would you consider your best...


What makes a job great to you?  "A great job to me is a productive and encouraging environment, where even if you encounter problems or hardship, the team is able...


What makes a job great to you?  "A great job to me is a workplace where I feel like my coworkers are a family where we can help each other...

Érica Rocha

What makes a job great to you?  "A great job provides opportunities for continuous learning and growth, allows me to make a meaningful impact, and encourages innovation and creativity. Collaborating...


¿Qué hace que un trabajo sea genial para ti? "Un lugar donde yo puedo seguir adelante, creciendo, y hay quien me ayuda seguir aprendiendo." ¿Cuál considerarías tu mejor activo o habilidad...

LeeAnn Fuentes

What makes a job great to you?  "Not being afraid to make mistakes while learning and being able to ask lots of questions. A good working environment is key...