
What makes a job great to you?  “A positive environment, an exceptional camaraderie amongst the employees… With the owners’ confidence and vision, Awake has no shortage of longevity and stability in today’s workplace. That’s what every working person desires.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “I am … Continued


What makes a job great to you?  “People. Atmosphere.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Time management, multi-tasking, outside-the-box thinking” What is your favorite way to spend free time? “Chillin’ in the Honey Comb Hide Out / Man Cave.”

Victor R

What makes a job great to you?  “An employer that actually cares about the employees.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Willingness to learn and not be afraid to train others to be better than me.” What is your favorite way to spend free time? “Exercising and … Continued


¿Qué hace que un trabajo sea genial para ti? “Lo que hace que un trabajo sea genial para mí es que nos divertimos. Un equipo unido donde todos se ayuden mutuamente también es importante.” ¿Cuál considerarías tu mejor activo o habilidad que aportas a Awake? “Mi mejor habilidad es que soy muy trabajador. Me encanta … Continued


What makes a job great to you?  “The understanding that life happens and helping with a solution to the problem.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “The willingness to keep learning and putting my best effort to seeing the company succeed.” What is your favorite way to … Continued


What makes a job great to you?  “People, environment, bosses, opportunity, learning new things” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Give me a task and I’ll do it. Quick learning, a willingness to help anyone and a hug is what I bring to Awake.” What is your … Continued


What makes a job great to you? “Having a challenge at work keeps me motivated.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Problem solving. This comes from years of racing professionally and boils over to everything I do in life. This has given me the ability to see … Continued


What makes a job great to you? “Friendly helpful co-workers and organized management combined with a desire to go to work where my efforts are appreciated.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Being willing to help everyone that needs it until the common goal is met.” What … Continued


What makes a job great to you?  “Equality, fairness, communication” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “Determined, hard-working, innovative, organized” What is your favorite way to spend free time? “Riding motocross, going to the lake, camping”


What makes a job great to you?  “Good work environment, people that respect your workspace, patience from other when you’re learning something new.” What would you consider your best asset or skill that you bring to Awake? “I care about quality. I want to make sure the end product is beautiful and work hard to … Continued