The 905 Series: Building Doors and Changing Lives

Employees Investing in Our Community
When Awake Window & Door Co. started in 2020, the Multi-Slide Door was assigned the 905 series. Why 905? Because 90% of youth in foster care who change placements five or more times become justice-involved. This was something we wanted to be a part of right from the beginning. Four years later, much of our team can relate to the difficult life situations that lead youth to become engaged in criminal behaviors and they want to be a part of the solution.
With less than three years of building our workforce, we are already seeing a secondary impact emerge. Not only are men and women with justice-involved backgrounds getting needed employment, stable housing, and improved physical and mental health, but they are also stepping up to help others.
This is where our partnership with Chief Hill Learning Academy comes in. Chief Hill Learning Academy is a local alternative program for Jr. High and High School students who are facing some of the difficult life situations that our 905 series represents. Food insecurity, homelessness, and high rates of drug use and gang activity in their homes make it difficult for these students to focus on academics. But our employees want them to know that it’s possible and it’s worth it.
Thanks to the ambitious staff at Chief Hill Learning Academy who share our passion for innovative solutions, we have found ways to collaborate. Some of our employees have written letters “to my younger self” to encourage students to stay strong. Other employees have visited the campus as guest speakers or to talk with youth at lunch. We started a donation bin where Awake employees can drop off snacks that go to help feed hungry teenagers so they can focus at school. More recently, our shipping lead, Ronnie Chavez, was awarded the “Innovative Solutions” award for working with Chief Hill Learning Academy to provide brand new shoes for students with perfect attendance!
There are more stories than we can tell and that’s the beauty. This secondary impact is a sign of health. As a company, we are committed to building a “Community of Gadflies” that create new ways to accomplish their passions and improve the lives of those around them. We have an amazing team of employees at Awake and building beautiful windows and doors is just the beginning.